Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (Smfpe)
- Medium to Long term finance with working capital limits.
- Easy application procedure
- Flexible security requirement.
- Credit guarantee availability: CGTMSE/CGFMU/ NABSanrakshan
- Credit linked grant @35% for the micro food processing enterprises subject to a maximum of Rs.10 lakh in individual applications and Rs.3.00 crores in Group Applications.
- Credit linked grant for branding and marketing would be limited to 50% of the total expenditure
Upto Rs.10.00 lakh | Above Rs 10 lakhs to Rs.5.00 crore | Above Rs.5 Crores |
7 business days | 14 business days | 30 business days |
* TAT will be counted from the date of receipt of Application (complete in all respects)
Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (Smfpe)
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch
Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (Smfpe)
Promotion of micro food processing units by-
- Financial support to individual micro enterprises for upgradation of units
- Support to individual SHG member as a single unit of food processing industry
- Support for capital investment to SHGs/FPOs/Co-operatives
- Support for Common infrastructure under groups to SHGS/ FPOs/Co-operatives and Government Agencies.
Quantum of finance
- Need based finance available, minimum 10% margin by way of promoter contribution required.
Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (Smfpe)
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch
Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (Smfpe)
For Individual Micro Enterprise :-
- Individual, Proprietorship firms, Partnership firms, FPO (Farmer Producer Organization), NGO (Non-Government Organization), SHG (Self Help Group), Co-op (Cooperative), Pvt Ltd. Companies are eligible.
- Existing as well as new micro food processing units for capital investment in ODOP as well as Non ODOP projects.
- The enterprise should be unincorporated and should employ less than 10 workers
- The applicant should have ownership right of the enterprise
- The applicant should be above 18 years of age and no minimum stipulation on educational qualification
- Only one person from one family will be eligible for obtaining financial assistance. The “family” for this purpose will include self, spouse and children
Setting up of Common Infrastructure by Groups:
- Financial support for common infrastructure will be provided to FPOs, SHGs and its federation/, cooperatives, Government agencies who have established or propose to establish food processing along with common infrastructure/ value chain/ Incubation Centres.
- Credit facility for capital investment, creation of infrastructure, marketing of products under ODOP.
- Substantial capacity of the Common Infrastructure Facility (CIF) as well as processing line should be available for use by other units and public on hiring basis.
- Proposal for both ODOP and non ODOP are eligible for assistance.
- No pre-condition of minimum turn over and experience of the applicant organization.
Credit facility/ Support for branding and marketing of products:
- Marketing and branding support would be provided to groups of FPOs/SHGs/ Cooperatives or an SPV of micro food processing enterprises under the Scheme.
- Subsidy/Support for branding and marketing would be limited to 50% of the total expenditure. Proposal from state or national level institutions or organizations or partner institutions for branding & marketing would be supported for vertical products at the national level. No support will be provided for opening retail outlets under the scheme.
- State entities can include non ODOP products in the basket of products and may also include products that have acquired GI Tag.
- For private entities, multiple ODOPs of the state (in which the entity is registered) can be selected. The applicant must demonstrate net worth equivalent to their share of contribution in the proposal.
- The final product should be the one to be sold to the consumer in retail pack.
- The proposed project cost should not be more than 50% of 3 years average projected turnover (not historical turnover).
- Minimum duration of the project should be minimum one year for state entities and two years for state entities
- Product and producers should be scalable to larger levels.
- Management and entrepreneurship capability of promoting entity should be established in the proposal.
Before applying you must have
- KYC documents(identity proof and address proof)
- Income particulars
- Detail Project Report (for project financing)
- Statutory permission/licenses/udyog adhaar for project financing
- Documents related to collateral security, if applicable.
Star Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (Smfpe)
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch

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