Policies And Guidelines
- Green Deposit & Financing Framework Policy(413 KB)
- Applicable Stamp Duty for execution of Locker Agreement(89.1 KB)
- Safe Deposit Lockers and Safe Custody Articles(2.1 MB)
- Policy on Bank Deposits 2024-25 (1.3 MB)
- Card Management Policy(7.2 MB)
- Grievances Redressal Policy(1.03 MB)
- Customer Acceptance, Customer Care, Customer Severance & Customer Rights Policy(1.04 MB)
- Escalation Matrix for Grievance Redressal(859 KB)
- Supplementary Locker agreement(1.2 MB)
- Collection of Cheques Instruments and Dishnour of Cheques & Debit Mandates(1.3 MB)
- Doorstep Banking(1.67 MB)
- Inoperative Dormant & Unclaimed Deposit(1.1 MB)
- Operational Procedure for Settlement of Claims in Deceased _Missing Depositors Accounts(2.2 MB)
- Fair Practices Code on Lenders Liability(1.3 MB)
- Customer Protection Policy (Unauthorized Electronic Banking Transaction)(328 KB)
- Bank’s Compensation Policy(918 MB)
- Safe Deposit Locker Agreement(1.27 MB)
- BCSBI Code of Conduct(733 KB)
- Model Code on Collection of Dues and Repossession of Security(181 KB)
- BCSBI Newsletter, latest issue of “Customer Matters” for the quarter July September 2017(466 KB)
- Rights Of Banks Customers( pictorial presentation)(2.5 MB)
- Rehabilitation Policy for SME(2.9 MB)
- Master Circular on Customer Service(821 KB)
- Quality Policy(77 KB)
- Business Continuity Preparedness(123 KB)
Policies And Guidelines
- Grievance Redressal System for review of pending court cases filled by bank employees(405 KB)
- Transfer & Rotation Policy for Officers (386 KB)
- Whistle Blower Policy
- Code of Conduct and Ethics- Conflict of Interest Recognition and Management Policy(374 KB)
- Bank of India Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policy(569 KB)
- Bank of India Prevention of Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace policy(720 KB)
- Equal Opportunity Policy(321 KB)
- Collection of Cheques Instruments and Dishonour of Cheques & Debit Mandates (1.3 MB)
- MSMEPolicy(663 KB)
- Related transactions policy
- Outsourcing Policy(1.6 MB)