Credit Cards

Contactless Premium International Credit Card

RUPAY Swadhan Platinum
Rupay SwaDhan Platinum Credit card is issued against TDR

VISA Gold International
GOLD variant of VISA

VISA Platinum International
Platinum card

RUPAY Platinum International
Chip card with magnetic strip

Master Platinum International
Chip card with Photo
Credit Cards

It is a Classic card of Master variant with Photo or Non-Photo.
Warning: Making only the minimum payment every month would result in the repayment stretching over months/years with consequential compounded interest payment on your outstanding balance
Credit Cards
Branch Billing – Auto Recovery
- In case of Branch billing card, system will recover card dues from the registered repayment/charge account of the customer on due date, thus customer needs to maintain sufficient balance in charge account.
- If recovery is failed from charge account then authorization of that credit card gets blocked and applicable interest/penalty will be applied. In such scenario free credit period is not available to the customer and interest is charged from the date of transactions.
Payment through BOI Omni Neo Mobile Banking App
- Card holder can pay the credit card dues through BOI Omni Neo App.
- Cardholder can navigate to My cards section-> Credit Cards section in app and pay the due amount from the app
Payment through Internet Banking
- Card holder can pay the credit card dues through BOI Internet Banking.
- There is an option of “Credit card Payment” under Credit Card in Card services Tab.
Direct Billing – Payment Processing
- Direct billing card holders pay/remit directly their dues by tendering cheque in any Bank of India branches or through on line transfer to our MBB A/C:010190200000001,IFSC:BKID0000101,Digital Banking Branch citing 16 digit credit card no. along with name of card holder.
Through Website:
- Online Credit card payment can be done through link available on Bank of India website -> BOI Online -> Payment Services option- Credit card Bill Payment.
- In case of Branch billing card, system will recover card dues from the registered repayment/charge account of the customer on due date, thus customer needs to maintain sufficient balance in charge account.
- If recovery is failed from charge account then authorization of that credit card gets blocked and applicable interest/penalty will be applied. In such scenario free credit period is not available to the customer and interest is charged from the date of transactions.
- Card holder can pay the credit card dues through BOI Omni Neo App.
- Cardholder can navigate to My cards section-> Credit Cards section in app and pay the due amount from the app
- Card holder can pay the credit card dues through BOI Internet Banking.
- There is an option of “Credit card Payment” under Credit Card in Card services Tab.
- Direct billing card holders pay/remit directly their dues by tendering cheque in any Bank of India branches or through on line transfer to our MBB A/C:010190200000001,IFSC:BKID0000101,Digital Banking Branch citing 16 digit credit card no. along with name of card holder.
- Online Credit card payment can be done through link available on Bank of India website -> BOI Online -> Payment Services option- Credit card Bill Payment.
Warning: Cardholders are advised to exercise due caution and refrain from making payments through modes other than those authorised by Bank of India.