- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP PO/MT – XIII Process Reserve List – 2 - List of provisionally selected Candidates selected under Reserve List-2
- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP CLERK–XIII Process, Reserve List - 2 – List of Candidates along with their Posting Zones
- Final Result of Engagement of Advisor for EASE implementation in Bank on Part-Time basis
- Final Result after Interview - Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto Scale IV Project No. 2023-24/1 Notice dated 01.02.2024- List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post for which online exam was held on 22.06.2024
- Information regarding display of Marks of unsuccessful candidates for which no online exam was conducted under Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto Scale IV Project No. 2023-24/1 dated 01.02.2024
- Result of Online Examination held on 22.06.2024. Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto scale IV Project No. 2023-24/1 01.02.2024
- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP CLERK-XIII Process, Reserve List - 1 - List of Candidates along with their Posting Zones
- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP PO/MT - XIII Process Reserve List - 1 - List of provisionally selected Candidates selected under Reserve List-1
- Final Result after Interview - Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto Scale IV Project No. 2023-24/1 Notice dated 01.02.2024- List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post for which no online exam was conducted
- Final Result after Interview - Recruitment of Specialist Security Officers in MMGS-II - Project No. 2023-24/2 Notice dated 01.02.2024
- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP CLK – XIII Process - List of provisionally selected Candidates
- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP PO/MT – XIII Process - List of provisionally selected Candidates
- Recruitment Process 2024-25 through IBPS CRP SPL-XIII Process - List of provisionally selected Candidates
- Declaration of cut-off Marks of candidates who were provisionally shortlisted for Interview & Group Discussion, Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I upon passing Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance (PGDBF- Project No. 2022-23/3 Notice
- Declaration of marks secured by unsuccessful candidates –Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I upon passing Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance (PGDBF) Project no. 2022-23/3 Notice dated 01.02.2023
- Wait List 1 -Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I upon passing Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance (PGDBF) - Project No. 2022-23/3 Notice dated 01.02.2023
- Information regarding declaration of marks - Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-I upon passing Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance (PGDBF) - Project No. 2022-23/3 Notice dated 01.02.2023
- Final Result - Engagement of HR Advisor on contract basis
- Final Result of Recruitment of Probationary Officers in JMGS-1 upon passing Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance (PGDBF) Project No. 2022-23/3 Notice dated 01.02.2023
- Recruitment Process 2023-24 through IBPS CRP PO/MT & SPL-XII Process, Reserve List - 1 - List of candidates along with their Medical Zones
- Recruitment Process 2023-24 through IBPS CRP CLERKS - XII Process Reserve List-1 - List of candidates along with their posting zones
- Result of Online Examination – Recruitment of Officers in JMGS-I upon passing Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance(PGDBF) Project no. 2022-23/3 dated 01.02.2023
- Recruitment Process 2023-24 through IBPS CRP SPL-XII Process – List of provisionally selected candidates along with their Medical zones
- Recruitment process 2023-24 through IBPS CRP PO/MT-XII Process – List of provisionally selected candidates along with their medical zones
- Recruitment Process 2023-24 through IBPS CRP Clerk – XII Process- List of candidates along with their posting zone
- Final result of appointment of Chief Technology Officer on contract basis – Project 2022-23/01 Notice 01.02.2022
- CLARIFICATION- Recruitment of officers in various streams up to Scale IV on regular and Contract basis – Project No. 2021-22/23 Notice dated 01.12.2021
- Final result after interview- Recruitment of officers in various streams upto Scale IV on regular and contract basis- Project No. 2021-22/3 dated 01.12.2021
- Recruitement Process under 2022-23 through IBPS CRP-XI Reserve List 1- List of candidate provisionally selected
- Addendum- Result of Online Examination held on 21.08.2022- Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto Scale IV on regular and contract basis Project No. 2021-22/3 Notice dated 01.12.2021
- Result of Examination - Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto Scale IV on regular and contract basis Project No. 2021-22/3 Notice dated 01.12.2021
- Recruitment Process 2022-23 through IBPS CRP SPL- XI Process- List of provisionally selected Candidates along with their Medical Zones
- Result of Internal Ombudsman
- Recruitment Process 2022-23 through IBPS CRP PO/MT-XI Process - List of provisionally selected Candidates along with their Medical Zones
- Final result of Appointment of Chief Economist on Contract basis-Project 2021-22/02 Notice dated 01.12.2021
- Recruitment Process 2022-23 through IBPS CRP CLERKS - XI Process
- Final Result after Interview- Recruitment of Specialist Security in MMGS-II Project No. 2021-22/1 Notice dated 01.11.2021
- Recruitment Process 2021-22 through IBPS SPL-X Process-List of candidates along with their Medical Zones
- Recruitment Process 2021-22 through IBPS PO/MT-X Process-List of candidates along with their medical zones
- Recruitment Process 2021-22 through IBPS CWE CLERK-X Process-List of Candidates along with their Posting Zones
- Final Result after interview- Recruitment of Specailist Security and Fire Ofiicer in MMGS-II-Project No.2020-21/3 Notice dated 01.11.2020
- Final Result after interview- Recruitment of Officers in various streams upto scale IV- Project No.2020 21/2 Notice dated 01.09.2020
- Result of Field Trails/Interviews-Recruitment of Sportspersons Project No. 2020-21/1-Notice dated 01.07.2020
- Result-Appointment of HR Consultant and MSME-IT Advisor on contract basis
- Recruitment process 2020-21 through IBPS CWE SP-IX Process Marketing officers - List of Candidates along with their medical zones
- Recruitment Process 2020-21 through IBPS CWE Clerk -IX Process- List of Candidates along with their Medical/Posting Zones
- Recruitment Process 2020-21 through IBPS PO/MT-IX – List of Candidates along with their medical zones
- Recruitment Process 2020-21 through IBPS CWE SP - IX Process - List of candidates provisionally selected and allotted by IBPS
- Final result of Appointment of internal Ombudsman on contract basis- Project 2019-20/01 (Notice 15.06.2019)
- Recruitment Process 2019-20 through IBPS CWE SPL VIII Process-List of Candidates along with their Medical Zones
- Recruitment Process 2018-19 through IBPS CWE SPL VII Reserve List Process-List of Candidates along with their Medical Zones
- Results-Recruitment in the Sub-staff Cadre,i.e, Safai Karmachari-cum-sepoy Raigad Zone - Advertisement dated 20-09-2018
- Recruitment of "Safai Karmachari cum Sepoy" in Sub-Staff Cadre in our bank- Notice Dated 13/8/2018- Declaration of Result
- Recruitment Process 2019-20 through IBPS CWE PO/MT-VIII Process
- Recruitment Process 2018-19 through IBPS CWE PO/MT-VII Reserve List Process
- Recruitment Process 2018-19 through IBPS CWE -VII Process - Reserve/Wait list
- Recruitment Process 2019-20 through IBPS CWE - VIII Process
- List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of Officer-Credit(JMGS-I)-Post-Interview Result under Project No.2018-19/1 Notice dated 01.04.2018
- Recruitment in the Sub Staff cadre (Sepoy) in Andhra Pradesh Zone- notification dated 30-01-2018 : Declaration of Result
- Recruitment of General Banking Officers Project No. 2017-18/1 Notice dated 10.04.2017 - List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of Officer-Credit(JMGS-I)
- List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of Technical(Appraisal) and Technical(Premises)- Recruitment of Specialist Officers Project No. 2017-18/2 Notice dated 10.04.2017
- Recruitment of General Banking Officers Project No. 2017-18/1 Notice dated 10.04.2017- List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of Manager- (MMGS-II)
- List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of Security Officer-Recruitment of Security Officers in MMGS II- Project No.2017-18/2
- Recruitment of Specialist Officers Project 2017-18/2 Notice dated 10.04.2017
- Recruitment Process 2016-17 through IBPS CWE-V Process – Reserve/Waitlist
- Recruitment Process 2016-17 through IBPS CWE-VI Process – List of candidates provisionally selected and allotted by IBPS
- Recruitment of Security Officers in MMGS II- Project No.2016-17/2 - List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of Security Office
- Recruitment of General Banking Officers Project No. 2016-17/1 Notice dated 06.05.2016 - Recruitment of Senior Manager (MMGS-III) - Documents for pre-recruitment
- RECRUITMENT OF SPECIALIST OFFICERS PROJECT 2015-16 / 2 NOTICE DATE 08.02.2016- Final Result after Interviews
- Recruitment of General Banking Officers in JMGS-I-IBPS CWE PO/MT-V - List of Candidates provisionally selected for the post of General Banking Officer
- Engagement of RSETI Faculty/Office Assistant/FLCC Counselors on contractual basis in Khandwa Zone
- Appointment of Chief Customer Service Officer on Contract Basis (Notice dated 25.08.2015) – Declaration of Result