Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
Education loan for studying in 860 Quality Higher Education Institutes in India.
- NIL Processing charges
- No collateral security
- No documentation charges
- No hidden charges
- No prepayment penalty
- Takeover of loan facility from other bank available
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
Expenses Covered
- Fees payable to college / school / hostel
- Examination / Library Fees
- Purchase of books / equipment / instruments
- Purchase of computer / laptop
- Caution deposit / building fund / refundable deposit supported by Institution bills / receipts.
- Life Insurance Premium for life cover of student/co- borrower for total tenure of loan
- Any other expenses related to education
- All the student borrowers are offered a specially designed Term Insurance cover and the premium can be included as an item of finance.
- Insurance is OPTIONAL for loan amount upto Rs. 10.00 Lakh.
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
- The student should be an Indian National (including Non-Resident Indian [NRI).
- Student Should have secured admission in one of 860 QHEIs in India through open competitive examinations/Merit based selection process for degree/ Diploma course.
Courses Covered
- For all regular Degree/Diploma courses conducted by 860 QHEIs. (For list of Institutes Click Here)
- Loan upto Rs. 4.00 Lakh- Nil
- Loan Above Rs. 4.00 Lakh – 5%
- No collateral Security
- Parents/Guardians to join as Co- borrowers
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
Rate of interest
For more details Click Here
Repayment Period
- Moratorium up to course period plus 1 year.
- Repayment period : 15 years from the date of commencement of repayment
- No processing Charges
Coverage Under Credit
All Educational Loans upto Rs.7.50 lacs conforming to the guidelines of “IBA Model Education Loan Scheme for pursuing studies in India and Abroad” are eligible for coverage under CGFSEL by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company(NCGTC)
Other Terms & Conditions
Interest Subsidy
- Students who are pursuing technical/ professional courses and whose family income is upto Rs. 4.50 Lakh shall be eligible for interest subvention during moratorium period for education loans upto Rs. 10.00 Lakh.
- Student with annual family (Student, parents & Spouse) income is above Rs. 4.50 Lakh to 8 Lakhs and who is pursuing any course from these quality HEIs shall be eligible to get 3% interest subvention for education loans up to ₹10 lakhs
Other Terms & Conditions
- Loan will be disbursed in stages as per requirement / demand, directly to the Institution/ Vendors of books/equipment’s/instruments to the extent possible
- Student to produce mark list of previous term/semester before availing next instalment
- Student /Parent to inform Branch immediately on change of course /completion of studies/termination of studies/ any refund of fees by college /institution /successful placement /obtention of job/change of job etc.
- Students should apply online via Vidya Lakshmi Portal developed by NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Ltd. To apply on line on Vidya Lakshmi Portal click here
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
Document | Student | Co-applicant |
Proof of Identity ( PAN & Aadhaar) | Yes | Yes |
Proof of Address | Yes | Yes |
Income proof (ITR/Form16/Salary slip etc.) | No | Yes |
Academic Records(X ,XII , Graduation if applicable) | Yes | No |
Poof of admission/ qualifying examination result ( if applicable) | Yes | No |
Schedule of study expenses | Yes | No |
2 passport size photograph | Yes | Yes |
1 year Bank statement | No | Yes |
VLP portal Reference Number | Yes | No |
VLP portal Application Number | Yes | No |
Collateral security details and documents , if any | No | Yes |
Star PM-Vidyalaxmi Education Loan
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch

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