Information for Shareholders

The Bank has appointed M/s. Bigshare Services Private Limited as its Share Transfer Agent.
All Communications regarding Transfer of Shares, Transmission, DEMAT of Shares, Change of Address, Non-receipt of Share Certificates/Dividend Warrants, Tier I & Tier II Bonds, Interest Payment etc may be sent to them at the following address :

M/s. Bigshare Services Private Limited
Office No.S6-2, 6" Floor, Pinnacle Business Park,
Next to Ahura Centre, Mahakali Caves Road,
Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093
Board No. : 022 62638200
Fax No: 022 62638299

Link available for Investor Grievances :
Email Bank Details Registration
Investor who want to set his/her email accounts/Mobile Number/Bank Account details Registered.
Please visit in to

Please click here to download Shareholder's Nomination form


BSE Ltd.
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers
Dalal Street
Mumbai – 400 001
National Stock Exchange
of India Ltd.
Exchange Plaza, Bandra
Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),

Information for Shareholders

Details of Depositories

Name of the Depository ISIN NO.
National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) INE084A01016
Central Depository Services(INDIA) Ltd. (CDSL) INE084A01016

ShareHolder's Correspondence

  • Change of Address ShareHolders may inform Bigshare Services Private Limited. at the address given above any change in their address for correspondence to ensure timely receipt of various communications, dividend etc
  • Non-Receipt of Shares after Allotment The investors/ ShareHolders who have not received the Share certificates till date, are requested to write to Bigshare Services Private Limited. - Registrar & Transfer Agent at the address given above enclosing a copy of acknowledgement of their application .
  • Non-Receipt of Shares sent for Transfer ShareHolders who do not receive the Shares sent for Transfer, After expiry of 35 days from the date of Despatch/Lodging, may write to R& TA - Bigshare Services Private Limited. or the Share Department of the Bank, giving the following particulars:
    1.Name & Folio No. of Transferor
    2. Name of Transferee
    3. No. of Shares
    4. Share certificate(s) No.
  • For issuance of duplicate share certificates.
    Investors/shareholders seeking issuance of duplicate share certificates may furnish
    Information in the following specimen formats to the Registrar & Transfer Agent of the Bank. In the case of single-holdings, the shareholder concerned and all shareholders in the case of joint-holdings must sign the documents to be submitted.


I. Questionnaire form.
II. Affidavit on stamp paper of requisite value.
III. Indemnity on stamp paper of requisite value.
IV. Indemnity with surety (ies).

For Transmission of shares.
Legal heirs of deceased shareholder(s) of the Bank for transmission of shares in their names may furnish information in the following specimen formats to the Registrar & Transfer Agent of the Bank. In the case of joint holdings legal heirs concerned are eligible for transmission of shares only when all the share holders are deceased. This transmission of shares is not applicable in case Nomination has been got duly registered with the Bank.
I. No Objection Letter by other heirs in favour of the persons claiming title of the shares.
II. Indemnity Bond duly stamped with at least one acceptable surety.
III. Claim form.
IV. Affidavit duly stamped.
V. Surety form.

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Stakeholder Relationship Committee has been constituted to ensure expeditious Redressal of Investor’s / Shareholders’ Grievances.

Information for Shareholders

Corporate Office

Bank of India
Head Office
Star House, C-5, G Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai – 400 051.
Phone : 66684444

Contact Details of Nodal Officer for the purpose of Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)
Shri Rajesh V Upadhya
Company Secretary

Contact address for redressal of Investor Grievance
Company Secretary,
Bank of India
Head Office, 8th floor,
Star House, C-5,
G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex,
Mumbai- 400 051
Tel No(s) : 022-66684490 TeleFax – 66684491
Email :

Information for Shareholders

1. Investors May file their complaints through SCORES portal at

2. The Complaints lodged on SCORES against any Entity shall be automatically forwarded to the concerned Entity through SCORES for resolution and submission of ATR. Entities shall resolve the Complaint and upload the ATR on SCORES within 21 calendar days of receipt of the Complaint. The ATR of the entity will be automatically routed to the complainant.

3. The Complaint against the Entity shall be simultaneously forwarded through SCORES to the relevant Designated Body. The Designated Body shall ensure that the concerned Entity submits the ATRs within the stipulated time of 21 calendar days.

4. The Designated Body shall monitor the ATRs submitted by the entities under their domain and inform the concerned entity to improve the quality of redressal of grievances, wherever required.

5. SEBI may concurrently monitor grievance redressal process by entities and Designated Bodies.

6. First review of the Complaint:

  • In case complainant is satisfied with the resolution provided by the entity vide the ATR or complainant does not choose to review the Complaint, the Complaint shall be disposed on SCORES. However, if the complainant is not satisfied, the complainant may request for a review of the resolution provided by the entity within 15 calendar days from the date of the ATR.
  • In case the complainant has requested for a review of the resolution provided by the entity or the entity has not submitted the ATR within the stipulated time of 21 calendar days, the concerned Designated Body shall take cognizance of the Complaint for first review of the resolution through SCORES. The Designated Body shall take up the first review with the concerned Entity, wherever required. The concerned Entity shall submit the ATR to the Designated Body within the time stipulated by the Designated Body.
  • The Designated Body may seek clarification on the ATR submitted by the Entity for the first review. The concerned Entity shall provide clarification to the respective Designated Body, wherever sought and within such timeline, as the Designated Body may stipulate. The Designated Body shall stipulate the timeline in such a manner to ensure that the Designated Body submits the revised ATR to the complainant on SCORES within 10 calendar days of the review sought.

7. Second Review of the Complaint:

  • The complainant may seek a second review of the Complaint within 15 calendar days from the date of the submission of the ATR by the Designated Body. In case the complainant is satisfied with the ATR provided by the concerned Designated Body or complainant does not choose to review the Complaint within the period of 15 calendar days, the Complaint shall be disposed on SCORES.
  • In case the complainant is not satisfied with the ATR provided by the Designated Body or the concerned Designated Body has not submitted the ATR within 10 calendar days, SEBI may take cognizance of the Complaint for second review through SCORES.
  • SEBI may take up the review with stakeholders involved, including the concerned entity or/and Designated Body. The concerned entity or/and Designated Body shall take immediate action on receipt of second review complaint from SEBI and submit revised ATR to SEBI through SCORES, within the timeline specified by SEBI.
  • SEBI or the Designated Body (as the case may be) may seek clarification on the ATR submitted by the concerned entity for SEBI review complaint. The concerned entity shall provide clarification to the respective Designated Body and/or SEBI, wherever sought and within such timeline as specified. The second review Complaint shall be treated as ‘resolved’ or ‘disposed’ or ‘closed’ only when SEBI ‘disposes’ or ‘closes’ the compliant in SCORES. Hence, mere filing of ATR with respect to SEBI review complaint will not mean that the SEBI review complaint is disposed.

1. Investors shall first take up their grievances for redressal with the entity concerned, through their designated persons/officials who handle issues relating to compliance and redressal of investor grievances.

2. Investors who wish to lodge a Complaint on SCORES (complainant) are required to register themselves on by clicking on “Register here” under the “Investor Corner”. While filing the registration form, details like Name of the investor, Permanent Account Number (PAN), contact details, email id, are required to be provided for effective communication and speedy redressal of the grievances. Upon successful registration, a unique user id and a password shall be generated and communicated through an acknowledgement email to the complainant.

3. In order to enhance ease, speed and accuracy in the redressal of grievance, the investor may lodge the Complaint against any Entity on SCORES within a period of one year from the date of occurrence of the cause of action, where:

  • The complainant has approached the Entity for redressal of the complaint and the Entity has rejected the complaint or the complainant has not received any communication from the concerned Entity; or
  • The complainant is not satisfied with the reply received or the redressal by the concerned Entity.

4. If any complaint filed on SCORES beyond the limitation period specified above, SEBI may reject such complaint.

5. The following types of complaints shall not be dealt through SCORES:

  • Complaints against companies which are unlisted/delisted and companies on Dissemination Board of Stock Exchanges (except complaints on valuation of securities).
  • Complaints relating to cases pending in a court or subject matter of quasi-judicial proceedings, matters pending with Online Dispute Resolution of SEBI etc.
  • Complaints falling under the purview of other regulatory bodies such as Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India (PFRDAI), Competition Commission of India (CCI), or complaints falling under the purview of other ministries.
  • Complaints against a company under resolution under the relevant provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC).
  • Complaints against the companies where the name of company is struck off from Register of Companies (RoC) or a vanishing company as published by MCA.
  • Liquidated Companies or companies under liquidation.
  • Complaints which are in the nature of market intelligence i.e., information given to SEBI regarding violation of any of the provisions of the securities laws.

6. Notwithstanding anything specified in this circular, SEBI shall handle the first review complaint for categories of intermediaries where no Designated Body has been appointed for the purpose.

7. The complainant in the event of being dissatisfied shall give reasons for not being satisfied with the ATR and provide clear reasons for review at any stage.

8. SCORES shall only be a facilitative platform for investors to get redressal of their grievances from the concerned entity.

9. In cases where investors raise issues, which require adjudication on any third party rights, on questions of law or fact or which is in the nature of a lies between parties, or if investors are not satisfied with disposal on SCORES post SEBI review, they shall seek appropriate remedies through the Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism in securities market. In addition, investors have the option to approach legal forums including civil courts, consumer courts etc.

10. Investors can approach the Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism or other appropriate civil remedies at any point of time in case the complainant opts for Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism or other appropriate civil remedies while the complaint is pending on SCORES, the complaint shall be treated as disposed on SCORES.



Information for Shareholders

Scores 2.0 Portal can be accessed through website and mobile application as well. Below are the details:

SCORES 2.0 Web link: