Jeevan Anand Plan (915).
Salient Features
- Premium Payment Mode: Yearly, Half Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly (SSS and NACH)
- Term: 15 to 35 years, Age at Entry: 18 Year(Minimum)- 50 years(Maximum)
- Maximum Maturity Age: 75 Year, Sum Assured: Rs.1,00,000(Minimum) to No Limit
- Riders Available ADDB/AB, Critical Illness Rider, Term Rider.
- Accidental Death and Disability Benefit (ADDB): Available up to age 70.
- On Death: 125% of Sum Assured + Vested Bonus + Final Addition Bonus(FAB) if any, OR 7 times of Annualized Premium, OR 105% of all premiums paid as on death, whichever is higher
- On Survival: Basic Sum Assured + Vested Bonus + Final Additional Bonus(FAB)
- Avail Loan facility, avail tax benefit
Jeevan Anand Plan (915).
*Terms & Conditions apply. For further details, Please contact your Nearest Branch

New Endowment Plan (914).
Regular premium, Non - Linked, with Profit Endowment Assurance plan.
Learn More Jeevan-Anand-Plan-(915).