Bank Of India

Bank of India IFSC banking unit offers various product to corporate customers to help them manage their finances on both their assets and liabilities sides and also in off-balance sheet items.
Bank of India IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) offer the following deposits facilities to carter your business needs and requirements
For Current Account/Term Deposits related information you may contact our Operations Team
Bank of India IBU provides various services to cater the needs of the corporate customers. Current accounts are non-interest bearing demand deposits wherein transactions are permitted as per requirement for overseas business.
These are the deposits that are interest bearing deposits received by the bank for a fixed period. Bank of India IBU provides various services to cater the needs of the individual as well as corporate customer.
We Offer Term Deposit for a period of 7 days to 5 years.
Bank of India IFSC Banking Unit offer the following credit facilities to carter your business needs and requirements
For advances related information you can contact our credit team
- We are market makers for syndicated loan. We have expertise of 75 years in this market. We are undertaking, underwriter and distributing syndicated loans by way of arranging through primary market. We are also active in secondary sale/purchase of syndicated assets.
- Financing under syndication of loan is a common way of extending funding to corporates/bodies/entities etc. in International market.
- Syndication of Loan is covered under External Commercial Borrowing framework of Reserve Bank of India, when the particular borrower is incorporated in India
- We cater to the Medium/Long Term requirements of Corporates through matching bilateral Term Loans. Term Loans are normally arranged for funding of various requirements.
- We can structure the term loans on various parameters such as tenor, repayment, pricing, security etc. depending on the specific requirement of the corporate.
- Working capital requirements of units established in overseas jurisdiction engaged in trade, manufacture and services are considered on merit by our IBU.
- For Indian entities the working capital requirement can be met through RBI’s trade credit framework and guidelines issued by RBI from time to time.
Trade Finance plays a key role in facilitating global trade, making it possible for exporters and importers to carry out business. Trade Finance uses specific instruments which facilitate international trade.
We offer various Trade Finance facilities which include funded and non-funded credit with sub limits for Letters of Credit(L/C) and Bank Guarantees (BGs) etc. .
- Buyers Credit – a type of Trade Credit – is a popular means to finance imports into India.
- As per AP (Dir) Circular No. 23 dated 13.03.2019 of RBI, Bank Guarantee can be issued by the Banks favouring overseas lenders for availing buyers’ credit.
- The product is devised to encourage the IBU to extend trade credit for import transactions.
BOI IBU extends competitive rate financing to the importer that also allows extended credit period for better management the cash flows.
Benefits of supplier’s credit
- Beneficiary is paid on sight. There’s price integrity of the underlying goods and services, which enables the importer to avail a credit period at nominal rates.
- The exporter gets paid on sight/due date, wehereas the importer gets as extended date for making an important payment as per the cash flow.
"Bank-to-Bank trade loans" are characterized as Bank to bank , short-term transactions on uncommitted basis by a 'Lender bank' to 'Borrower bank' to fund clearly defined trade transactions undertaken by borrower bank for their clients/customers.
- The borrowing bank generally refinance amounts which it has already lent to their customers/clients on short term basis under trade financing.
- Typically the 'Lender bank' in a "Bank-to-Bank Trade Loan" has neither any proprietary interest in the underlying transactions nor it directly or immediately involved in the underlying trade transactions.
- The 'Lending bank' is assured by the 'Borrowing bank' that the proceeds of the "Bank-to-Bank Trade Loan" is the sole financing and no double financing) for the underlying trade transaction and repayment is assured irrespective of whether 'Borrowing bank' receives payment in the said transactions or not for whatsoever reason
- Bank-to-Bank trade loans may be provided to facilitate either a single trade transaction or a bundle of underlying trade transaction(s).
- IBUs are permitted to negotiate letters of credit of its constituents.
- IBUs shall not undertake negotiation of unrestricted letter of credits (LCs) of non-constituents
- For this purpose, the term constituent shall be defined as one who has been sanctioned regular credit facility by the IBU or any Indian and/or Foreign bank (or its branch) of the bank/bank group to which the IBU belongs. This is subject to the condition that the said bank (or its branch) is in a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) compliant jurisdiction.
- For the above purpose, a FATF compliant jurisdiction would be one whose name does not appear in the following publications of FATF
Bank of India IBU provides various treasury services to help their clients in managing their exchange risks.
- Competitive exchange rates for remittances.
- Forward exchange contract (OTC) to hedge exchange risk.